A Fils for Your Thoughts

April 26, 2008

A Look at the Axis of Politics

Filed under: Politics — Haider @ 7:55 am

In my article, The Axis of Politics, I explained how politics is often viewed from the axis of power, but that four other axes are implicitly taken into consideration when dealing with any political issue: authority, identity, rights and freedom.

In this article I would like to look at how these axes come into play in politics. (more…)

Summary of Posts

Filed under: Blog — Haider @ 6:34 am

I will now be adding a summary of the posts I write (especially the long ones!) so that people can manage to get the gist of my writings, without feeling overwhelmed by what I write.

I have not gone through all my previous posts to write summaries for them, but do plan on doing so in the near future.

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