A Fils for Your Thoughts

April 26, 2008

Summary of Posts

Filed under: Blog — Haider @ 6:34 am

I will now be adding a summary of the posts I write (especially the long ones!) so that people can manage to get the gist of my writings, without feeling overwhelmed by what I write.

I have not gone through all my previous posts to write summaries for them, but do plan on doing so in the near future.

April 22, 2008

Taming Our Emotions

Filed under: Dialogue,Ethics,Personal Development — Haider @ 2:15 pm

Muslims in general, and Arabs in particular, have a reputation for being too emotional when it comes to debates. A simple comparison between a debate on an Arab channel and one on an English channel will show how emotionally-charged Arabs can be. In fact, Arabs usually refer to Westerners as being “cold” because they do not readily express their emotions. But a sensationalist attitude does not encourage dialogue, and rather than promote understanding of different points of view, it distances people from one another, and undermines the view, or belief, we seek to defend. (more…)

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