A Fils for Your Thoughts

April 17, 2008

Path to Extremism – A Personal Account 1: The Conflict

Filed under: Extremism,Islam — Haider @ 1:16 pm

The greatest difficulty we encounter when trying to understand the phenomena of “extremism” is that we do not recognize the mindset of the extremists. We usually reduce it to simplistic origins, such as poverty, the feeling of being social outcasts or even mental illness. George W. Bush tried to explain why the terrorists attacked the US on 9/11 because “they hate our freedoms,” without realizing that this hatred for freedom is not the root cause of extremism, but only a by-product of it.

In this article I offer an insider’s perspective on what extremism means, and what it’s true origins are. This is a personal account of how I became an extremist, and why I chose that path. (more…)

April 12, 2008

Blog Updated

Filed under: Blog — Haider @ 6:35 am

If you had difficulties accessing the site yesterday, it was because I updated the blog to the latest version of WordPress. Although the changes might not be felt by you now, but this will make it easier for me to add new plugins, and develop the blog further.

Apologies for any inconvenience this might have caused you.

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