A Fils for Your Thoughts

February 4, 2008

Confidence and Change

Filed under: Personal Development — Haider @ 7:09 am

I have seen many parents trying to encourage their children to do better in school or to lose weight not by pointing out their children’s strengths, but their faults. This approach, they think, will get their children to realise that they need to change. However, you cannot strip someone of confidence then expect them to change, especially in a positive way. (more…)

February 3, 2008

Selective Listening

Filed under: Personal Development — Haider @ 8:10 am

Most (if not all) of us are surrounded by people who don’t share our vision or our values. While we aspire to accomplish something, they may play down the importance of our goal, or doubt that we would be able to make it. This is most damaging when we begin to doubt ourselves, based on what others tell us. The first step towards the solution is… (more…)

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