A Fils for Your Thoughts

January 2, 2008

New Year’s Resolutions: Why Make Them And How NOT to Break Them

Filed under: Personal Development — Haider @ 10:26 am

The cynic within you is probably asking: Why make New Year’s Resolutions when you know you’re going to break them? The conservative within you responds with: But I’ve always made them! And since you’re here reading my blog, I assume you’d like to know what I think 🙂

So here it goes… (more…)

December 29, 2007

Evaluating Ideas

Filed under: Philosophy — Haider @ 9:24 am

We’re constantly bombarded with ideas. Every conversation we have, every TV program or movie we watch, every song we listen to, and every sentence you are reading is presenting you with ideas. But how do we decide which ideas to accept, and which to reject? This post will look at some of the ways to evaluate ideas. To demonstrate these evaluation methods, I’ll use the example of the world-renowned documentary: The Secret.


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